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Why work with a Clinical Herbalist?

A Clinical Herbalist is more than someone who knows about plants for healing. I am trained in the science of plants and the body. I have over 1500 hours of study and 350 supervised clinical hours in the areas of

- Pediatrics

- Flower Essences

- Growing Herbs

- Pathophysiology

- Materia Medica for all the body systems

- Pharmacology

- Pathophysiology

- Anatomy + Physiology

- Nutrition 

- Mental Health

- Environmental Health

- Biochemistry 

- Botany

annnddddd Clinical Assessment

I see Clients in my clinic with a wide variety of health issues and concerns. Think of your Clinical Herbalist as your Family Doctor who practices generally, except with so much more time, care, and naturally approaches your concerns with plant medicine. 

A Clinical Herbalist is trained in the art of getting to the root of the health concern and we use our clinical assessment skills to help us put the clues together. 

We also make medicine differently. I would say it's more scientific. It's based on the Eclectics work and the science of plant extraction using different ratios based on what extracts work in the body and how (a post for another time)

In comparison, an herbalist, who is not trained clinically, may not have had this educational experience or similar hours in a recognized program (doesn't mean my knowledge is better or more comprehensive, just different). They may also  make medicine using the folk method. 

So when you're looking to work with a practitioner, keep a Clinical Herbalist in mind! We are small in numbers but mighty in effect! 

I'm currently accepting new clients. If Clinical Herbalism feels right for you, please book your appointment!
