Can you heal PCOS naturally?

I know it's hard to believe that PCOS can be healed naturally because all of the western medical literature says there's no cure, but we have options!

So what is PCOS?


PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that occurs when your ovaries create excess hormones (androgens) in unusually high levels. This causes your reproductive hormones like FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone), to become imbalanced because androgens suppress FSH.

See those sacs in the image above?

Each one could grow to 0.5cm-0.8cms and are full of fluid.

So instead of the follicles turning into one egg that gets released in your cycle, the small follicles become cysts (fluid-filled sacs with immature eggs) which may be visible on your ovaries on ultrasound if you go for testing.

This isn't normal, but it can be fixed naturally!

That being said, not everyone who gets diagnosed with PCOS has cysts.

Instead, PCOS is more often diagnosed by

👉 the dominance of estrogen, which happens when androgens are catalyzed (fancy science word for androgen turns into estrogen)

👉 signs of blood sugar irregularities because of Insulin resistance where the body doesn't understand the glucose it's ingested and in turn, the pancreas is asked to produce more because it sees a deficit, almost like a glitch in your programming. Excess Insulin produces androgens.🥴

👉 Evidence of the stress response. Stress produces cortisol, which fatigues the adrenals, and creates more insulin in the body.

Oof! It all ties in together doesn't it?

All of this messing about of our hormones means we can experience

- chin hair, excessive body hair
- weight gain especially around the womb space and abdomen
- moodiness, anxiety, depression
- fatigue
- irregular periods
- ovarian pain
- darker skin under breasts, thighs and under arms
- hair loss
- lack of period
- unexplained infertility
- other signs of chronic stress
- inability to lose weight

Why does it happen?!

STRESS!!!! This is the root cause, hands down.

So how can we treat it naturally?

Focus on our overall health!

  • Exercise

  • Nutrition

  • Plant Medicine

We need to address the regulation of your hormones, and unpack that likely your are chronically stressed, inflamed, and under nourished.

One of the ways we can heal your PCOS is with my 1:1 coaching or get you signed up for my next group coaching program - Empowered Fertility!

To work with me and get to the root of your womb health problems, apply to work with me! I can’t wait to support you!


Nessa Hayes

Nessa is a Clinical Herbalist, Doula, and Reiki Practitioner from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. She is the mom of 2, and a proud surro mom. She has been a birth worker for over 10 years.

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