Is it possible to REALLY have consent between Dr. and patient?
Nessa Hayes Nessa Hayes

Is it possible to REALLY have consent between Dr. and patient?

One of the KEY components of achieving consent is that we must, without fear, give consent freely. If there is a relationship dynamic of power imbalance between the person asking for consent and the person being asked to give consent, consent cannot be granted .So what if you NEED western medicine? Maybe you have a condition that you need treatment for, how can you consent?

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6 Ways to Seek Informed Consent in Your Next Appointment
Nessa Hayes Nessa Hayes

6 Ways to Seek Informed Consent in Your Next Appointment

There’s no such thing as a stupid question. You are literally paying your health care practioner to help you, so put them to work. A good health care practioner won’t mind and will be excited to share what’s going on in their decision making process with you.

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Informed Consent in Canada - What does it mean for me?
Nessa Hayes Nessa Hayes

Informed Consent in Canada - What does it mean for me?

Informed consent is a process of communication between you and your health care provider. This conversation should lead to permission for care, treatment, or services.Did you know to also have the right to get information and ask questions before procedures and treatments?

Or that you are legally entitled to your medical files?

Yep! Knowledge is power.

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