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The Wheel of the Year

The Wheel of the Year is a visual representation of the seasons and the passage of time and when we work with it, we uncover the most magic and abundance by working with our natural cycles. 

We can also view the wheel as the passage of light, the movements of the sun, relative to our position on the earth. 

It is a life, birth, and rebirth cycle.

We have a good understanding of this when we work with plants. We follow the seasons to know when to plant, when to use various parts of the plants, when to collect seeds, and when the plants “die off” to send energy back into their roots for future generations. 

We also use cycles to help us know when to make medicine and when to use it. 

As women, the wheel of time represents the cyclical nature of our womb. 

You could imagine the different physiological and emotional changes we experience throughout our cycle as positions on the wheel. 

Ostara is like the beginning of a new moon. Seeds sprout, lining grows, hormones build. 

Litha and Lammas represent that time of ovulation and potential harvest (implantation time), and Mabon and Samhain, the switch in hormones, creating the changes necessary to welcome Yule and Imbolc as we shed our lining in order to begin again. 

When we learn to work WITH these changes, we become more abundant and in flow with our being. We begin to understand the best times to 

  • Engage in big bursts of creativity

  • Write down our dreams

  • Start new projects

  • Put ideas into action

  • Retreat and rest 

  • Be Social

  • Reflect and Integrate on the previous cycle

  • Let go of the past

  • Call in the new

Many people across cultures have celebrated these changes for longer than we can remember and so using this method of time keeping, of womb connection, creates deep roots to our ancestors in this life and likely in many others. 

If you feel called to do so, use the wheel to create a relationship with our natural cycles and the magic all around you.