Winter Solstice - Release Ritual

Winter Solstice celebrates the Return to Light

In the Nothern Hemisphere we celebrate the return to light as we mark the shortest day and the longest night of the year, December 21. People all over the world celebrate this event. In my community, I’ll be attending a solstic market with my medicine and leading a fire ceremony. The fire symbolizes our return to the light and we will use it to release what we’re ready to let go of, and ignite what we’re excited and ready to call in.

Solstices are

  • portals

  • great time for reflection

  • time for rebirth

  • part of our death cycles

Solstice Releasing Ritual

Adding a ritual to your healing work taps in to additonal spiritual energy. In this case, working with fire, we give our intentions a huge boost!

You can do this solo or in a group

  • Find a fire! Light the camp fire, sit at your fire place, find a candle and fireproof bowl

  • Drop in to connect with your higher self, your ancestors, spirit guides, angels, etc.

  • Share with the group that you’re doing a solstice release ritual

  • Grab some paper and a pencil and write down all the things you want to let go of, or your top three if you’re short on time. If you’re doing this exercise solo, consider writing each line on a separate small piece of paper.

  • One by one, throw them it to the fire and repeat “I’m ready to let go of ____________________” and let it burn baby!

  • Bonus points if you sing the fire’s burning song (youtube it)

If you want to partake in this ritual, join me at Farmhill in Keene, Ontario December 21st 6PM-9PM. The ceremony will take place at 7 and 8 pm co-hosted by myself and Hermione Revision.


The Wheel of the Year


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