Who is a Radical Soul?
I’m Nessa! Owner of Radical Souls Herbal Wellness
I am a mother, medicine maker, clinical herbalist, and radical soul.
A few years ago, I was a practicing full-spectrum doula, ready to empower women to f*ck the system and birth those babies with all their might! I successfully expanded my business to a brick and mortar shop downtown, my babies were school aged, and I was feeling like things were finally headed in the right direction.
In quick succession, my marriage ended, my business partner and I split, I had to sell my home and then lockdowns hit.
My life was turned upside down and felt wildly different, as I’m sure you can imagine. It was incredibly lonely. I’ve never had a lot of friends and family around me to help and with everyone in fear of this mysterious new illness, it was nearly impossible to find a helping hand. Relationships were changing left right and centre. Services disappeared. My chronic pain went from manageable to x 1000 when my depression and anxiety reared their ugly head (hello fear). My finances and childcare slowly dwindled, my new living situation became unsafe, and I ended up at the foodbank. The people and institutions I thought would help, were lost in this pandemic, or didn’t really give a sh*t, and were constantly trying to feed me band-aid solutions to my real-life problems. I knew there was a way through, but I couldn’t see it alone.
Like many people, going through these big life changes brought forward my connection to spirit and nature. It started with some tarot cards, new connections and community with like minded families in our alternative school program, and lots and lots of unlearning and new education!
I enrolled in a 2 year intensive Clinical Herbalist program and I found a new and safe place for us to live, where we could break free from the system, grow our own food and medicine. Alongside learning about plant medicine, I was also gifted the incredible and life-changing experience of diving into learning about myself. I was shown through my program and by spirit that in order to heal my chronic pain, I had to dig, and dig, and dig until I uncovered my roots. From here I could start to identify and heal my core wounds. So, feeling the most aligned I had ever felt, I started to use the medicines, moved my body, meditated, and got my feet and hands in the earth.
Since starting this journey, my chronic pain has all but disappeared and my connection to nature and spirit continues to grow. My children are learning alongside me how to grow the food we eat and how to make our family’s medicine. We are all continuously and harmoniously learning from each other alongside nature. It isn’t easy. It’s messy and dirty. But you know what? For the first time, I feel free!
This is what Radical Soul Herbal Wellness is all about!
Radical Souls is a place for people like me who are tired of being sick and tired and who want to feel free. It is for people who understand that relying on broken systems and big pharma will only keep you unwell and struggling. It is for people who want to be heard and who want to listen! My passion has always been to empower and inspire my clients to live a life where they truly feel like they are out of survival mode and thriving! If I can do it, I know you can too!
Whether it’s booking a healing session with me to help uncover those roots, or adding something from the apothecary to your medicine cabinet, I’m here to guide you through you challenging times with the help of the endless and magical world of natural medicine for a simple, full, and healthy life.
If you have any questions about how I can help, please don’t be shy, take the next step and book your discover call or jump right into your intake session. I’m here for you!