Flight, Fight, Freeze, or Feign - how to cope naturally with the Fear Response
When we are triggered into a fear state, our sympathetic nervous system turns on. They say this happens in the amydgala, cueing us with instantaneous physiological symptoms. Psychologists have named this the Fear Response. This response can be essential to our survival if a real threat is present.
Symptoms Include:
tension in the jaws, neck, shoulders
difficulty breathing
racing heart
sleep disturbances
upset tummy
The amygdala says when you feel fear - act, and act now. However, there are times when the amygdala becomes hijacked. False Evidence Appearing Real. Since the amygdala is part of our automatic response system, it’s hard to stop or slow the physiological process. That’s the funny thing about triggers. We either feel as if the scenario presented to us is happening even though it’s not, or, we are taken back to a time in our past when we were in a true life-or-death situation.
Fear Response
Psychologists have identified four survival response categories that the amygdala puts us in - fight, flight, freeze, or feign.
This is the “meet me outside” kind of energy. You might feel the urge to be physical with hands on behaviour, glare at your preceived enemy with anger, feel your blood boiling of your stomach churning.
Turn and run energy. You want to get out of there and fast. You might feel like your skin is crawling, you feel fidgety or restless, your eyes dart around the room constantly looking for your out. You might literally run away.
Frozen. In. Fear. Have you heard that phrase? That’s exactly how this response can feel. Sense of dread. Pounding, slowed heartbeat. Feeling heavy and stuck. Sleep paralysis is a freeze response. Feeling utter dread but not being able to move.
When you feel like you can’t respond in any of the other three ways you may find yourself here. Seeking safety by merging your beliefs, needs, wishs, and demands with others. Feigning is the act of befriending, deferring, negotiating, and/or bargaining with an abuser in service of self-preservation or saving another.*
How to Cope with Fight or Flight or Freeze or Fawn Naturally
When we spend too long in a stressful state, especially when the fear is not real but physiologically present, the body, mind and spirit suffers. We are constantly on high alert which means your cortisol levels are out of control. So, what can you do to cope? How do you break the anxiety spiral cycle?
Take stock of your F.E.A.R symptoms. When you feel them, acknowledge why they’re present. Thank them for showing up and then reach for your other tools to get the body back into it’s parasympathetic state of rest and digest. Get those hormones balanced, baby!
walk away
deep breaths
use your plant medicine friends
wait - this one is big for me
ground yourself with nature, baths, meditation, reiki etc.
communicate how you’re feeling with others or get additional help from a therapist
Herbs / Plant Friends for your Fear Response
When you have built that awareness, you can stop F.E.A.R in it’s tracks. Use these herbs solo or together to support that rest and digest state, or slow the spiral so you have more access to your mindfullness tools. If you’re unsure which herbs would be best for you, consult an herbalist like myself or purchase from the apothecary a blend that suits your needs.
Kava Kava
Wood Betony
Additional Resources
Frothingham, M.B. (2021, Oct 06). Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn: What This Response Means . Simply Psychology. www.simplypsychology.org/fight-flight-freeze-fawn.html