Understanding the Great Conjunction
The Great Conjunction! The Christmas Star!
We’re looking at an entirely new cycle. An evolutionary invitation. This date also marks our Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.
There’s a lot of media about this conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn resembling the Christmas star or the star of Bethlehem. I have spent a lot of time thinking about this. As a someone who doesn’t subscribe to one religion, this is too much of a hetero / christian narrative for me. What I can draw from this analogy, is that Christmas is a special time with unique energy to offer. This time of year seems to be one of the things that unites a hell of a lot of people. If we did a poll, I think we might find other holidays are celebrated by more people, but Christmas certainly holds that magical quality of uniting groups of people, raising the vibration of the planet. Hopefully, that magic, will propel us into this new timeline / vibration / 5 D etc, shedding the world we once knew and starting the new world / timeline.
So what’s actually happening?
Astrologically speaking,
On December 21st Jupiter and Saturn will meet at 0 Degrees in the sign of Aquarius, ushering in a whole new era in Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra) setting us up for winds of change over the next 150 years. First up is the age of Aquarius all about headstrong, intuitive, creative, other-worldly, free-spirited, ingenuity. That’s the overarching feeling in the air.
Then we have Jupiter who assists us in creating a new ideology and is asking us to consider the LONG haul for optimal success in doing so. Jupiter brings abundance with expansion prompting us to be philosophers and dreamers, and encouraging us to take good care of ourselves. Jupiter also asks us to take responsibility for what we do. - ringing any bells with how we’ve been doing so far? as a society? Ie. CRAP at being responsible. Well this is why Jupiter is here because that’s all going to change.
With the age of Aquarius, it makes sense to me that we’ll be making leaps and bounds in our understanding of the world, technology, healing, magic, spirituality, etc. as Jupiter also brings in higher knowledge and a connection to …. aliens! Other beings have a lot to offer us and are here to assist in this ascension and essentially, save our poor planet Earth.
Now, Saturn will reign us all in with structure to actually follow through on the utopian society we’re dreaming of. She asks for our time, commitment, responsibility, and follow through. She’ll believe that we can do it which shifts us into success mode. She is mentor we always wish we had. This energy will feel very comforting.
I imagine we’ll be re-writing traditions, ideas of family, sex, love and the ways we take care of each other and the earth. We’ll no longer be repeating old patterns. We’re moving forward patiently, trusting in spirit, persevering with a diligent spiritual practice.
Saturn is our teacher. She’ll reward her students who work hard. Paired with Jupiter, the work will be fun and fulfilling for those who are showing up. For those who rebel, it’ll feel like detention every day.
The Great conjunction of these planets is ushering us into a new age of responsibility and because we’re going to care so damn much, we’re going to grow leaps and bounds to stay true to our word in all avenues of our lives. Sounds beautiful.