Using herbal medicine with pets is totally possible!
How many pets do you have?
We have 2 dogs, 2 cats, and one fishy.
A big part of Radical Souls is family herbalism and that means treating the WHOLE family, pets included. Your pets do not have to suffer with manageable conditions and you don’t have to break the bank to take care of them.
Herbal Medicine with Pets
There are of course some herbs animals can not have that humans can tolerate, so I avoid those ones and use the herbs herbalists know and trust for our four legged friends. Animals have a deep knowing of what will provide them with relief but, of course, have a harder time telling us when they need support.
I combine Reiki with plant medicine to connect on a deeper level with your loved one. By tuning in energetically, I can hear messages that will help me treat any health concerns. Being in person is not required for this energetic exchange to take place.
Recently, I supported Fox, my cat, through an almost fatal urinary crystal recurrence with my plant remedies alongside veterinary care. It is common for veterinary care and herbalism to go together, and just like midwifery, vet care has roots in plant medicine. It is my stance that there’s always a time and place for modern medicine.
So how can you know what herbs are safe for your pet?
Book an animal wellness session with me!
My books are OFFICIALLY open and NEW CLIENTS will receive my animal wellness package!
As a Clinical Herbalist, I will provide you with proven ways to reduce your pet’s health and wellness symtpoms or make them go away all together! You will feel empowered about your pet’s health and you can apply the tools you learn in our session to your own health too. This introductory package is available for a limited time for the month of October only.
This includes
Up to 45 minute appointment
We review your pets current health concerns and wellness goals, their medical and health history, and create an herbal protocol which includes instructions for using your natural remedy as well as diet and lifestyle recommendations for optimal health and wellness results!
Long distance Reiki session of 15 minutes to facilitate healing and communication
Review of your protocol through WhatsApp
Text support through WhatsApp during treatment period
1 x 50 ml Herbal Formula ($30 Value)