Natural Remedies for Croup

Croup is classified by that tell-tale barking cough. It’s the kind of sound that tugs on your heart strings. It can also act-up at night which prevents your kiddo from getting the rest they need and reduces their ability to recover. If you’re hoping to treat croup naturally, let’s dive in and look at the options!

What is a croup?

Croup is a viral illness and is super common in kiddos.

At first it can appear as a common cold with a stuffy or runny nose, and even a feaver, but what sets crop apart from other viral illnesses is that the upper airway - the larynx and trachea - swells and becomes irritated and as result, breathing becomes harder and harder. Croup is characterized by the barking / seal cough sounds and breathing that shows what the medical world calls retractions and/or stridor.


  • a high-pittched or squeaking noise while breathing in


  • the skin between the ribs sucks in while breathing

  • breathing is fast

  • in serious cases a child may appear pale and lips may turn blue due to lack of oxygen. Seek emergency medical care.

Symptoms are often worse at night and when your kiddo is upset and crying which is likely to happen if they aren’t comfortable and struggling to breathe. It can be scary, so keep them calm and stay grounded.

How long should Croup last?

Croup should last 1-2 days up to one week.

Why is my kiddo getting Croup?

Croup is a viral illness. If your kiddo is repeatedly getting respiratory viruses, consider ways to boost their immune system. Trust that your child’s body is learning how to fight off these viruses with each round, but perhaps they need extra support. Our modern world does not like “germs” and our children are suffering as a result. They don’t play in the dirt as much as we used to. They are encouraged to stay away from sick friends, even though we know that this how the immune system builds itself. So, to counter things outside of our control, we can turn to natural plant medicine for support.

How to treat Croup naturally

There are many ways to support your child when they have croup.

Here are some ideas:

  • Keep them hydrated. Natural smoothies, popsicles, and juices are popular kid approved options.

  • Try a steady supply of bone broth

  • Herbal tea with honey featuring immune supporting herbs (try out immuni-tea)

  • Prop them up with pillows and extra blankets

  • Run a cool-mist humidifier

  • Sit with them outside in the cold air (stay bundled up)

  • Eating nourishing foods that are easy to swallow

  • Elderberry Syrup every hour or every opportunity between sleep

  • Sleep, sleep, sleep!

Hydration is important because it will keep them comfortable and help to thin any mucus.

Cold air helps to decrease the swelling which is why bundling up and going outside together can stop a Croup coughing fit in it’s tracks. I encourage you to turn down your heat! When’s the last time you opened the windows in your house? Forced air from heat, or air conditioning can dry out and irritate the respiratory tract.

Rest. Make sure to limit screen-time, close the blinds, turn the lights down low. Any bed-time routines could be used during the day to help their body understand it’s time for sleep.

Immune-boost. Remember this is viral so we can support our body’s natural defense system to do it’s job.

Herbal Remedies for Croup

Try Elderberry Syrup

Our elderberry syrup is a hit with my kids! At first they had the classic “ew'“ reaction to something new, but quickly that changed to “Yummmmmmm!” and “Mommy, can I have some more?”

We have two sizes available and, if you want to try your hand at making your own, you can try our Elderberry Syrup Kit!

The active ingredients in elderberry syrup are packed with vitamins, important flavonoids, and trace elements of minerals that help stop viruses in their tracks within 24-48 hours. Every dose helps soothe inflammation in the body as well as limits the spread to other organs in the body.

During croup, give 1 tbsp every hour where possible.

Once croup clears up, offer 1 tbsp daily for immunity boosting prevention!

Herbal Tea

Our Calm and Immuni-tea Herbal teas would be great options here!

Immuni-tea has

  • Elderberry (see above)

  • Rosehips

    • rosehips are high in vitamin C

    • anti-inflammatory

  • Holy Basil

    • calming for the nervous system

    • anti-inflammatory

    • anti-viral

    • decongestant

    • antibacterial

    • diaphoretic

  • Reishi

    • helps restore balance in the body, mind, body, and spirit

    • immunomodulator

  • Licorice

    • treast respiratory tract inflammation

    • pain relief

    • calms

  • Rose

    • soothes

    • calms

    • eases pain and inflammation

  • Hibiscus

    • high in vitamin C

    • strengthens the immune system

    • antioxidant rich

I hope this helps! If you have any more tips and tricks for croup, or if you found this helpful please comment and share!


Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)


Using herbal medicine with pets is totally possible!