Natural Remedies for Croup
Croup is classified by that tell-tale barking cough. It’s the kind of sound that tugs on your heart strings. It can also act-up at night which prevents your kiddo from getting the rest they need and reduces their ability to recover. If you’re hoping to treat croup naturally, let’s dive in and look at the options!
What is a croup?
Croup is a viral illness and is super common in kiddos.
At first it can appear as a common cold with a stuffy or runny nose, and even a feaver, but what sets crop apart from other viral illnesses is that the upper airway - the larynx and trachea - swells and becomes irritated and as result, breathing becomes harder and harder. Croup is characterized by the barking / seal cough sounds and breathing that shows what the medical world calls retractions and/or stridor.